Academic Programs

We offer flexible options, plus…

Welcome to our Academic Programs! Whether you’re a primary school kid who needs some extra help, a university student searching for some guidance, a high schooler wanting to take some stress off their plate, or anyone else who wants to learn more about something they’re interested in, we have just the service for you. We provide quick and straightforward access to qualified and certified tutors across a variety of fields, including English, Maths, Sciences, Business, International Politics, History, Mandarin and a whole lot more.

we adapt, all to ensure we…

Sign up for flexible location options such as online private tutoring lessons from your favourite tutor; make use of our locations in towns and cities around Australia; utilise the comfort of your own residence; or take to public libraries if that works better for you! Sessions typically last anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours - we generally recommend 1 hour. Individual sessions are readily available along with group sessions – accommodating both short-term and long-term students. Our individual lessons start at only $37.80/hour.

are the perfect fit for you!

We promise friendly yet professional service from our experienced tutors who will be there every step of the way to guide you through all your studies. What’s more? You can book in anytime online - even arrange reoccurring lessons - pay online, not to mention our special packages! So what are you waiting for? Get started today with Academic Tutoring brought to you by Music & the Mind!

It's Never Been Easier


It's Never Been Easier 🏆

All new students get

20% OFF

20% OFF ✨

off of their first session (for a limited time only, terms & conditions apply)